The Comprehensive Female Profile I is a SALIVA and BLOOD SPOT test that measures the hormones estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, Adrenal Function and Thyroid Function.
Your results will include:
- Estradiol, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA levels (Sex Hormones)
- Morning, Noon, Evening and Bedtime Cortisol Levels (Adrenal Function)
- Free T3, Free T4, TSH and TPO levels (Thyroid Function)
- Symptoms Assessment Chart
- Physician comments about your results
The Comprehensive Female Profile I is recommended for women with signs and/or symptoms of PMS, Premenopause or Menopause, Adrenal Dysfunction and/or Thyroid dysfunction.
When to collect your sample.
- If you are postmenopausal or have had a hysterectomy, collect your sample on any day.
- If you are having a regular cycle, collect on day 19, 20 or 21 of your cycle. (Day 1 = First day of your period)
- If you have irregular cycles, collect 5 days before anticipated period or any time if periods are more than 2 months apart.
**PLEASE NOTE: Hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, Nuvaring, Mirena IUD, etc.) may interfere with the accuracy of your test results. If you are using these, please contact us for guidance.
The Comprehensive Female Profile I is the best value for female hormone testing.
What do you do with your results?
Never Tested Before? You will need to add a "Hormone Balance Consultation" after adding the test kit to your "shopping cart". This is also at a discounted price if purchased with a test kit.
Current Patients: We will schedule a free consultation to review your results with one of our hormone specialists.