Ultimate Joint Restore provides a unique combination of protective ingredients that work synergistically to:
- Support cartilage and collagen regeneration by providing raw materials for production of glycosminoglycans (GAGs).
- Support moisture retention, collagen production and skin elasticity.
- Balance inflammatory mediators like cytokines and prostaglandins. Tender, sensitive joints can limit everyday activities.
As we age and continue to put stress on our joints, joint cartilage is compromised. This deteriorated joint cartilage exposes collagen fibers which the body’s immune system mistakenly identifies as foreign cells. This triggers an inflammatory response against the collagen containing cartilage within our own joints.
Studies have demonstrated however, that undenatured chicken collagen, when taken orally can produce a collagen sparing effect in the body by attracting the body’s inflammatory cytokines.
Ultimate Joint Restore is made from 100% pure, hormone and antibiotic free, low molecular weight hydrolyzed chicken sternum cartilage extract. It is the only patented and clinically-tested source of Chicken Collagen Type II which has been shown to be effective in joint and skin conditions. It contains Cartilage Matrix Glycoprotein which protects cartilage from breakdown, balances inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins and supports cartilage synthesis.
Along with this unique form of undenatured chicken collagen Ultimate Joint Restore contains chondroprotective agents that support joint, skin and vascular structure, function and lubrication. The collagen used in
Ultimate Joint Restore contains a minimum of 10% Hyaluronic Acid (HA) a GAG not usually found in other collagen products. HA supports retention of skin moisture and functions as a lubricant between the connective tissue of the skin and is a major constituent of synovial fluid in the joints.
Besides its effect in the joints, HA rejuvenates skin, supports the skin healing process and improves skin tone. Ultimate Joint Restore also contains depolymerized chondroitin sulfates, which are absorbed up to 5 times better than bovine-derived materials.
Chondroitin sulfates support the flexibility and elasticity of many body tissues including connective tissues, the walls of blood vessels and the structural integrity of the heart, brain and skin.
Glucosamine, another ingredient of Ultimate Joint Restore, supports skin and joint health by supporting the production of GAGs, proteoglycans and collagen. GAGs give shape, elasticity and rigidity to connective tissues. GAGs hold high levels of water in their structure which enables the joints, skin and vascular beds to hold more water, thereby increasing flexibility, cushioning ability and resiliency.
Finally, the inclusion of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in this formulation provides an important source of organic sulfur. Sulfur is found in collagen, hormones and immunoglobulins. Sulfur helps maintain proper connective tissue function and formation of collagen. Sulfur deficiencies have been associated with slow wound healing, immune system dysfunction, poor skin health and degenerative joint conditions. MSM supports proper tone, elasticity and texture of the skin and is needed for proper hair and nail growth.